To have or not to have…

This morning was a tough morning for my boy Nick to get out of bed.  “Oh my nose hurts, he stated”.  “That is not a reason not to get up and ready for school, Nick” I said.  This has become typical behaviour when he gets down in the dumps about something or other.  So I had to go to extreme measures again by pulling his blanket off of him.  This did not work.  So I pulled his socks off of his feet b/c he likes to sleep in his socks for some strange odd reason!  Of course they were dirty and had holes in them.  Of course if I wanted action I sure got him out of bed fast.  He began to complain of taking his own socks off himself and not me.  So therego his actions of locking himself in the bathroom to re-put the dirty socks back on.  However, he was supposed to go in the shower, so I see this as pointless.  He for some reason wants the independence of doing things on his own, but insists on taking too much time slacking off when he is supposed to be getting ready.  I could understand his reasoning (wanting to take the socks off himself) but the point of going into the shower anyways and re-putting them back on I could not understand, b/c that takes longer.  I guess the next time, I am just going to have to say something like no tv today if you don’t get up promptly at 7am!!

Published in: on November 12, 2009 at 6:49 pm  Leave a Comment